

Osaka Ramen (Osaka Pref.)

Kinki(Kansai)AreaLocal Ramen


What is Osaka Ramen?

There is no clear-cut “Osaka ramen(大阪ラーメン)”; there are many ramen imported from other regions and unusual ramen.
There is also “Takaida-kei ramen(高井田系ラーメン),” a salty “local spot ramen” that first became popular among factory workers, and has formed a genre.

Unexpectedly, “Rivalry of Warlords”

Osaka is commonly known as the “city of foodies.” However, for some reason, “Osaka Ramen” does not exist. Apparently there was a ramen shop in the 1940s, but it has not become a big business.
Also, as quoted from a 2015 Nikkei Shimbun newspaper article, the number of ramen shops per 100,000 people is 10.6, which ranks 45th among Japan’s 47 prefectures, along with Hyogo and Nara prefectures, and also has the lowest consumption amount.
There are various theories as to why, but it is said that it has been around for more than 400 years, since the time Osaka Castle was built, and that the “udon culture” of reasonable and delicious noodles has taken hold. The price of udon is cheaper than the price of ramen, which means that people are more accustomed to eating it.
In addition, there is also a theory that in Osaka, where the culture of kombu kelp and bonito stock (slightly strong umami and sweetness and low salinity), which is also used for udon, is widespread, so chicken and pork bone broth ramen(Chinese noodles) using salty kaeshi sauces such as soy sauce was not a good match.

One of the characteristics of Osaka’s ramen is that there are many unusual types of ramen. Kamukura(神座) in Minami(namba station area) often ranks first in popularity rankings. This soup feels like a Western-style soup, which could be called consomme-style, and uses Chinese cabbage(白菜) as an ingredient. Even in Tokyo, which is said to have all types of ramen, there is no ramen like this. “Yousukou(揚子江)” is a salt ramen found in 1964 with edible chrysanthemum leaves(Shungiku; 春菊) on top. There are several affiliated shops, including branches (there is one in Fukui Pref. as well). Shinanoji(信濃路) is famous for its tomato ramen (unfortunately, it had closed at the end of 2022). There are other shops in Osaka that serve tomato ramen, such as Ramen Kaiho(拉麺開花) and Menya Gozan(麺や 五山),etc… which are quite popular.
Also, a shop called “Maido Shoten(まいど商店)” said “We make Osaka ramen,” and was serving an unusual type of ramen(closed).
Satsumakko(薩摩っ子)“, which has become popular due to its use of plenty of garlic, is currently being sold in many shops.
Creative Noodle Shop Tsuru(創作麺処 つる)“, which gained acclaim for its idea of adding scorched rice to ramen, comes from a background in Japanese cuisine. Currently, the shop name is “Tancho(丹頂)” and they serve their signature dish, Chawanmushi(茶碗蒸し;Savory Steamed Custard) Ramen. Moreover, there’s a Chawanmushi Ramen Fromage(茶碗蒸しラーメンフロマージュ) that adds fire on the dish.
It seems to be a characteristic of Osaka that unusual items become popular like this. However, what I personally think is the most Osaka-like ramen is the light pork bone soup ramen. The original shop is probably Kinryu(金龍), which is open 24 hours a day. It is located in a prominent location in Dotonbori(道頓堀) and is constantly crowded. It has a flashy dragon-shaped exterior, giving it a somewhat Naniwa-like(local old Osaka-like) feel.
Raiyo House(らいよはうす)” also serves white wine as an aperitif. The chashu is delicious here. It is unusual to have curry powder as a condiment, but curry powder goes surprisingly well with pork bones. “Fukushogun(副将軍)” is popular for its Hetadon (ヘタ丼; chopped chashu rice bowl) that makes good use of pork and its edges, and although it claims to be Kyushu ramen, it’s a light tonkotsu ramen (closed in 2014). There are many shops where Heta-don is a specialty or popular item, and many shops such as “Mitsuboshi Seimenjo Fukushima Main Shop(みつ星製麺所 福島本店)” and “Menya En(麺屋 縁)” serve it.
Neyagawa(寝屋川)’s “Kouryūkan Furidashiya(功留館ふりだしや)” uses Yamagata’s black pork(三元黒豚), a light pork bone, and the chashu is delicious. And the sauce cutlet bowl is popular.
Franken(フラン軒), located in Honmachi, Chuo Ward, in the middle of Osaka, sells shocking products such as soft-serve ice cream in the center of ramen for a limited time, but the regular products are popular and delicious.

Examples of unique and distinctive ramen shops

In the Takaida district(高井田地区), located on the northwestern edge of Higashiosaka City, east of Osaka Castle, and around Takaida Station on the Chuo Subway Line, there are several places that serve black soy sauce ramen with extremely thick udon-like noodles and a chicken bone base.
The long-established shops are “Koyoken(光洋軒)” founded in 1953 as a food stall, and “Sumiyoshi(住吉)” founded in 1945 as a confectionery shop and began serving Chinese noodles in 1956. Originating here, the local ramen known as Takaida-style (Takaida-kei高井田系)has formed a genre in Osaka.
It is said that the origins of the shop began when food stalls served ramen to workers at local factories after their night shifts.
Takaida-style ramen is ramen for factory workers who sweat a lot from physical labor, so it has the following characteristics:
・Soy sauce soup with high salinity.
・Use extra-thick noodles that are voluminous.
・The price is low.
・The shop opens in the morning so night workers can eat after their night shift (commonly known as “Good Morning Ramen”)
・Take away(in Japan, “take-out”) is often available.

Examples of Takaida-style ramen shops

Another characteristic of Osaka is that local ramen shops in other areas are thriving. Onomichi ramen(尾道ラーメン/ Hiroshima Pref,) is particularly notable. There are many shops that claim to serve Onomichi ramen, but they are not all run by the same management. “Yamancho(山長)“, which is made only one cup at a time, can be refreshing by adding special vinegar to the soup after eating. If you ask the staff at the shop, even if there is a lot of soup, they will reduce the amount until it is just enough to drink and then add vinegar, which is helpful. Other works include “Juroku Ban(十六番)“, “Juhachi Ban(十八番)“, and “Gekkou Kamen(月光仮面)“.
There are also a variety of other western Japanese ramen shops, including Shikoku’s Tokushima(徳島ラーメン) ramen “Marutoku(まる徳)“, “Todai(東大)“, Kagoshima-based “Makoto(真琴)“, Kyushu tonkotsu ramen “Bakkoshi(ばっこ志)” and “Shekarashika(しぇからしか)“. Not only in western Japan, but also in central and eastern Japan, such as Niigata Tsubame Sanjo pork back fat ramen “Naoji(なおじ)“, Kitakata ramen “Kitakata Shokudo(喜多方食堂)“, Hokkaido Sapporo ramen “Ramen Shirakaba(ラーメン白樺)“, Gifu prefecture Takayama ramen “Menya Shirakawa(麺屋しらかわ)“, Yamagata ramen “Rekka(烈火)“, etc. There are also entries from Recently, Soupmen, famous for its oyster ramen in Tokyo, has opened its doors as “Oysstey Nipponbashi Shop(Oysstey 日本橋店)“, and the large influx of ramen from other areas may be part of its attraction as a cultural and economic center.

Examples of local ramen shops from other areas

People often say things like “Osaka doesn’t have good ramen” (a ramen wasteland), but when you look at it like this, you realize that there are some pretty good ramen shops. For instance, Saku no Saku(作ノ作), which is located in the back of the downtown area and is a little hard to find, and Kadoya Shokudo(カドヤ食堂), which was founded in 1957 and also serves cup ramen in convenience store and has produced many apprentices, and Godairiki(五大力) which incorporates Italian and French flavors and are popular in Toyonaka. Osaka is also one of the areas that you should keep an eye on.
In recent years, UNCHI Co., Ltd. has continued to make rapid advances with unusual company and shop names, such as “Jinrui Mina Menrui(人類みな麺類; All humans are noodles)” and “Kuso Oyaji Saigono Hitofuri(くそオヤジ最後のひとふり;Damn Old Man’s Last One Swing),” as well as “Kirimen(桐麺)” and “Ramen Life JET(ラーメン人生JET),” which have long lines of customers.
The number of new shops with high ratings has increased, and Osaka has become a ramen battleground.
From local chain ramen shops such as Osaka Fukuchian Ramen(大阪ふくちぁんラーメン), Kinryu(金龍), and Kamukura(神座), to nationwide chain shops like Tenkaippin (天下一品/Kyoto Pref.), Ramen Yokozuna(ラーメン横綱/Kyoto Pref.), Rairaitei (来来亭/Shiga Pref.), Ichiran (一蘭/Fukuoka Pref.), and Marugen Ramen(丸源ラーメン/Aichi Pref.) and like Tokyo, it is a big city where you can enjoy all kinds of ramen.

Examples of local ramen shops with multiple shops

Dotonbori Kamukura…Ramen with a French taste. The consommé-like soup has Chinese cabbage and chashu as ingredients. Many shops have opened in the Kanto region as well.
Osaka Fukuchian Ramen… Homemade noodle shop-cooked pork bone soup, chashu pork with shop-made sauce. Free kimchi buffet.
Kinryu Ramen…A huge dragon object. Open 24 hours a day in the downtown area, it is also very popular among foreigners.

Additionally, the Takaida-style ramen noodle shop 7.5Hz listed above has multiple shops.

Examples of popular ramen shops in Osaka