

Five ways to enjoy delicious “Nodogoshi Namamen(のどごし生麺)” “Fuuki Seimen Noodle Laboratory(富喜製麺研究所)”, a ramen shop run by a long-established noodle factory in Kumamoto, founded 121 years ago.

Ramen Column


“Fuuki Seimen Noodle Laboratory(富喜製麺研究所)” opened on August 4th in Roppongi, Tokyo. The location is along Gaien Higashi Dori, 2 minutes walk from Roppongi intersection. This ramen shop is run by Fuuki Seimenjo(富喜製麺所), a long-established noodle shop in Kumamoto that boasts a 121-year history.

This noodle factory also makes Karahigu noodles (カラヒグ麺 pasta noodles jointly developed by Asakusa Kaikaro and Salone Group) for pasta, which is a hot topic in Tokyo, and it is wonderful that they are not only trying to incorporate old things but also new things. There are three directly managed ramen shops in Kumamoto. There was also one FC shop in Chiba, but it has since closed.

2023.9.7 from ZAKZAK
Please click [here] for the full text of the column.

Hiroshi Osaki (大崎 裕史): Self-proclaimed “The man who has eaten the most ramen in Japan.” As of the end of March 2022, approximately 27,500 bowls of ramen have been consumed. Representative director of Ramen Data Bank Co., Ltd. and director of the Japan Ramen Association. He operates the web and mobile “Ramen Database.”