

Another night option in the Nishi-Azabu area, “Azabu Chashu Ken(麻布チャーシュー軒)”. Enjoy late-night drinking with melty chashu.

Ramen Column


When it comes to ramen at night in the Nishiazabu area of Tokyo, “Aka Noren(赤のれん)” and “Kaotan Ramen(かおたんラーメン)” are standard and popular, and other shops include “Azabu Ramen Nishiazabu(麻布ラーメン西麻布店),” “Shuichi(しゅういち),” and “Kani Ramen Hinata(かにラーメン光夏).” .
Azabu Chashuken(麻布チャーシュー軒), which opened on June 15th of this year(2023), has stepped into the mix. Business hours are from 19:00 to 7:00 the next morning. Please note that Sundays and Mondays are closed. I feel like it’s a waste because there seems to be a lot of demand on Sunday nights. Although it is a new shop, the quality is high, so I recommend it.

2023.8.24 from ZAKZAK
Please click [here] for the full text of the column.

Ramen Hot Tip Information

Azabu Chashu Ken(麻布チャーシュー軒) (7 minutes walk from Tokyo Metro Roppongi Station) opened on June 15th of this year. As the name of the shop suggests, the soft and melty chashu is the best. A ramen shop that is particular about using no additives, no chemicals, no pesticides, chemical fertilizers, hormones, or genetically modified ingredients. Currently open from night until morning.

■Hiroshi Osaki (大崎 裕史): Self-proclaimed “The man who has eaten the most ramen in Japan.” As of the end of March 2022, approximately 27,500 bowls of ramen have been consumed. Representative director of Ramen Data Bank Co., Ltd. and director of the Japan Ramen Association. He operates the web and mobile “Ramen Database.”